Here is how to find Barcode number mentioned on Paytm App


Where to find barcode number mentioned on your app in case of Paytm Fastag?

Now that FASTag has been enforced in India, to avoid long waiting lanes and corruption pertaining to toll collection all together. There is steady hike in issues being faced by FASTag users.

Got transaction message from Paytm about FASTag deduction while you have not travelled?

There are many who have faced this issue in recent days where amount was deducted although they haven’t crossed the toll gate. While the FASTag providers and government find a resolution for this, here is what you need when there is wrong deduction.

Step 1: Raise concern to your wallet provider through App or call.

Step 2: Dial 1033 and share your concern.

How to raise customer case when there is wrong deduction in Paytm wallet?

If you are a Paytm customer, here is how you need to raise support case.

1.       Click on Hamburger menu in top left of your app.

2.       Click on 24*7 Help & Support in App

3.       In “Get Help with a recent order”, click on wrong transaction you have dispute with.

4.       Select “Not visited Toll Plaza but amount deducted” option.

5.       Enter requested details. Click submit.

If you are on twitter you can raise the concern to @PaytmCare. Once you send a tweet, within few minutes you may receive response from one of the Paytm Handles, asking you to share RC and bar code details.

Make sure that Paytm Handle has blue tick when you respond back.

Where to find Barcode number mentioned on Paytm App?

In case of complaint request, in message us section you will find a prompt to enter barcode number mentioned on your app. Kindly type in the number which is just below barcode, in your car’s FASTag sticker. Make sure to remove delimiters like hyphen while entering in ticket form.

One needs to enter same answer for the next question too, which is enter barcode number mentioned on your sticker.












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