How to upload BingSiteAuth.xml to Blogger

Register BingSiteAuth.Xml for Blogger

Last updated: June 2020

To get more traffic towards the blog it is important to register with search console sites. In case one has to register with yahoo or Bing then the Site has to get signed up in the Bing webmaster tool. To authenticate one as an owner of the site, Bing needs owners to perform certain actions on site. 

However, uploading BingSiteAuth.xml seems to be a complex procedure compared to meta BingSiteAuth validation.

Here is the detailed procedure to verify the blogger site from the Bing webmaster tool.

1. Login to

2. Select the Template button. (Refer below image) . Now it has been renamed as Theme



3. Click Edit HTML below Live On Blog

4. Paste Meta tag availed from Bing WebMaster tool just before </head> tag.

5. Click on Save Template

In Bing Webmaster click Validate.

Now you have an alternate way to add your blog from blogger to Bing Webmaster Tool. 

1. Add your website to Google Search Console

2. Verify your Blogger blog in Google Search console

3. Once validated, login to Bing Webmaster tool.

4. In My sites window, Add your blogger URL. 

5. Click on Already verified on Google Search Console? Skip verification by importing your website.

6. Complete the verification process.


If you are very new to blogging, we suggest you to wait for some useful posts to get created in your portal. Once you have handy 8-10 blog posts, then register yourself in Bing Webmaster Tool and earn yourself Ad credit of 3000 INR. The offer seems to be applicable till June of 2021 and only for Indian residents. 


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