25 Mind blowing Guerilla Marketing Ideas

25 Mindblowing Guerilla Marketing Techniques Used Ever

Guerrilla Marketing is an advertising strategy that focuses on low-cost unconventional marketing tactics that yield maximum results. 
is how CreativeGuerillaMarketing defines.

Its not that its less expensive evrytime. But its sure that you reach right people and media advertise you for free for this unique creativity. Bangalore being startup hub where firms like Ogilvy, JWT are still out of reach for many should rely on these to get as much as initial customer base.

We , the TeamBookReview have few ideas for free for the "Bangalore" startups who  can always contact us for implementation.

Lets look at the crazy 25 guerilla techniques across world which made people amused.

And the best Guerilla Ever

Rather than spending lakhs together for Ad giants its better to go with one or 2 guerilla s and watch people get familiar with your brand. 

What say?

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By the way photos has been lifted from 
and few more sites....
