How to Create News Website and register with Google News

How to create News Website and register with Google News

About Book: The book is about things to consider when one thinks of creating a news website and procedure to register with Google news and other players to make sure that the site finds place in first page of Google.
We do not teach coding here.

Blog or Website?

We say website. Just enter a search on how to, latest news, movie review; How many times the first page of Google displayed certain blog link? 3%? Blogs work today either for technical people or for authors. When you type the error returned from SQL server, blogs might come out. If you still would like to play a safe game without spending more money but spending more time then blog would help. Blog is a fruit but not apple and who gets apple for free?

Do you own a newspaper?  

If you own a Newspaper you can move to buying website section. If you don’t read it carefully.

Let us start!

 Let us guess the common set of reader’s point of view looking for this blog.
Person 1: I am in news world. I would like to create my own news website with few friends. Getting news in this case would not be a problem; but the things that needs to be in consideration are what fashion of sites does more people like, How to appear in first page of search engine, How to earn better revenue, how to register with Google news, How to enable RSS feed, How to appear in social sites.
Person 2: I work on one domain; may be advertisements, Software, marketing or Movie. In fact I am a freak on this domain and would like to startup a news website on the particular domain with few of my friends. – This Kind of sites takes quite some time to kick off. Reason being very less “Original” updates. After a while these people might think of getting information from related sites and populating it to one website with minor twitches. However there are quite a few remarkable sites which has positioned itself on top. So do not leave the hope if you are person 2.

Let us see few news sites.

Newyork Times



Check out these sites they look similar. Most of the newspaper sites online looks like the PDF copy of their daily print. This is a tradition followed by n number of online news sites. However you can break.

But there are few things to notice from all above.

  • Pictures means a lot. Out of the 4 examples the last one to get attracted with is the screenshot of New York time. They should be provocative in all good sense for user to click.
  • It’s a running commentary; it is not the statement of daily newspaper. Next time when somebody needs to check on certain breaking news he literally types your news sites name in URL Address bar and not on Google.          
  • Absolute silly. This is where most of the world is heading into. They don’t need any serious news unless it is breaking. Instead of political war people are interested in Wardrobe malfunction, stereotyping, stats on something never thought of.
  • News is not complete. You need to click the headline or view more. This is again a technique used by many news sites so that they get more space to show you as many number of advertisements on each page you click. For top 10 movies of year there are cases where you would click 10 next buttons with each page having info about the movie not more than 5 to 6 line.
  • Advertisement- Some as news item and some as banners.

Checklist before creating news website

  • Decide if site should allow "external" news from readers or one who is not from the news team.
1.      Number of news items would increase
2.      Number of readers would increase too as he does his articles advertising.

1.      It is easy to ruin the reputation of your paper with one bad article. You might be sued.
2.      Website management would be difficult, as same news might appear 80 times in same site.

  • Advertisements till what extent?
Google Ad words is fine. But are you sharing more than 15% of your page for advertisement? People might accept Times, but not your site.
Affiliation? It is unethical in case you are a journalist to write an article on product and provide a link at the end to buy it from online retailer site.

  • Does URL matter?
Yes. Why should one remember the .in, .uk, .papr of your site? Why will one remember “” ? Get a URL which relates your news zone and one which user can remember. If BigRock or GoDaddy asks you heavy amount go for it .Because you can sell the site with URL after 6 months if it does not go well.

  • Promotion?
Yes it is necessary. Even before you publish news people should enter your website to see the landing page which has meaningful image and hint the date of opening. For example, A girl trying to setup compass in north direction. The number of hits makes you to more cautious on what to give

  • Unique column :
               Your News site should run at least one unique column which no one else has tried till now. People should subscribe to your site and wait for the new episode of this column. Make sure that you have 30 episodes at least before switching on the site.
  • Make your site available in 10 major social sites. Facebook, Google plus, Twitter and so on. Social sites are best way to get incoming views.
  • Release a slide share campaign a week before. You can take a news and show how major news sites has released that news; how traditional it is. The last slides should direct them to watch out your news site which could be a solution.
  • Start a YouTube video channel and campaign. Explain about new column, explain how you are preparing, or just show the fights of existing papers and promise that you won’t get in for same. 
  • Make sure that your website aligns with Google news basic guidelines. Because many platform contents cannot be recognized by Google news today. Your developer should be aware of this.
  • Use database. Do not buy a site and start editing content every day.

Registering with Google News

You can get detailed guidelines here. Let us look into few guidelines which you must have to follow.
·        Share only news. Do not sell the product.
·        Let the page link include the words you use in news.
·        Give special attention to robots.txt, meta tag and sitemap.

Now Registration!

Click the following link.

Click Google News

Click submit your site for inclusion. After answering few queries you can proceed with submitting your site for review.

Point to be taken care:

  • Google looks for originality. So make sure that you give complete details about authors in your site. An image and contact number would increase the chance.
  • Do not register your site for at least one month from the day you started your site. They need your name to be branded one in market; at least one with good number of likes.
  • Make sure that ads are in limit and good number of images are available in news content.
  • Site should be in HTML readable format.
  • In case you fail in clearing the review, you should wait for next 60 days.
  • Cross check your site content with the guidelines from wikiHow article.

Once the site runs

Merge with few international sites to share local news.

  •   Don’t forget to update news daily.
  •  Make sure that each page of your site has share button from whatsapp to facebook.
  • Share each news in Twitter and Facebook.
  • Create a WIKI page.
  • Encourage people to share news release with your site.
  • News might not reach you,you should be reaching news. Its simple if people are following one YouTube video, contact the creator and do an interview. If everything goes fine ask him to join your channel for an hour to answer the fan clubs questions. That makes out your site.
  • Let the news content be minimum of 250 to 300 words. Many sites would reject the content if word count is less than 200.
  • Make sure that your title never matches with anyone else. If you find change yours.
  • Get into mobile, tab.
  • Join NewsLab by Google. Use latest technologies to match up the advancement.
  • Submit your news letter in famous directories, news sites so that you can drag few users of branded site towards yours.
  • Make sure that Googlebot reaches you quicker.
  • Follow celebrities in Twitter.
  • Make sure that your mobile App is App Indexed. - You can take ET or ABC as example for news apps which has included indexing with them.
    So what is App Indexing? Watch the video below.

  We wish you all the best for your news channel . Do share your news website name with us.

About us:
We work on everything in net for trial and analyse the pros and cons of it.
Do follow us on twitter: @dBookReviewInd
Atleast a +1 would do.
