Adjustment of Revenue in Google way! With Google contributor and Music Key

Adjustment of Revenue in Google way! With Google contributor and Music Key

Google Premium – Google turned back

Google,It is free… Sorry it was free. Till the date Advertisers used to pay Google and users used to get the search content for free.

But it is not the case from now on; At least for few. Google has become premium application with the introduction of Google Contributor and Music Key where users are going to pay for ad free search results.

So what is Google Contributor?

Google Contributor is a premium service by Google where Google does not show up Ads when you are accessing few content sites. Yes that’s right. It is not new for you. We have seen this in many apps of Android and IPhone. Many apps provides two variance of Apps one with Ads and free download for user and the later one is with nominal amount of download charge and Advertisement Free. Same concept but by search giant.

Thing to wonder about

Yes! There is a thing to wonder about in this act. Google states that the money given by you would be given to Content provider and in return he says “Thanks” to you.  Well this is quite new. If not a new idea, at least with this combination a unique and new idea to hit the market. So Google is changing its revenue structure and getting into a trial business.

If Data flows in one direction, money flows in reverse order. Google used to converts user clicks to money, but now some users are converting themselves to be fluid cash for sites.

Who are these content sites who are ready to say thank you for the money user offered?

Currently there are around 10 partners as per Google like UrbanDictionary.COM, The Onion, Science Daily, Imgur, wikiHow and Mashable and so on. Although not confirmed news, the statement prevailing is Google keeps the subscription amount from these sites and gives the residue back to the sites.

How will Google contributor affects its stakeholders?

For partner sites

·        The user has already paid his subscription for ad free sites. So he might try to utilize these sites itself in search of content than going for any other sites. This is the relationship that Google is building over User and Site. Definitely number of clicks would increase.
·        The site does get money with ads with non-premium customers. So it need not rely on Contributor model alone. It is just a parallel revenue model.

For User

·        It brings you an attitude that you are not here for free. You are paying the right people for their content although middle man eats few beans.
·        It is really great to imagine few sites which does not show the cheapest flight rates, or product from Amazon, if not 1.99$ Domain offers.

For Google

·        Till now money used to come from one side. From now on it is two sides. Obviously a profit scale under CSR name.
·        Better partner relationship. You get content to place in search screen if the treaties goes fine.

Google Contributor is a WIN-WIN situation for all its stakeholders.

Where Google Contributor might lead to?

Partner Sites

·        Partner sites of Google might start posting more and more ads to non-premium customers to create an indirect pressure to turn user to donator.

·        The number of visits algorithm might get new introduction of “free customer’s visits” as paid customer is no more of use for advertising agencies.

·        If the Premium model looks to be quite good for sites they might shutdown the free service and may move out of Google Contributors and work as paid content sites.


·        Gets into crowd funding mindset.

·        Might read poor quality article for price and some other free site would be giving better content. It really causes irritation when someone else does not utilize your money properly. Some may lead these to legal actions.


·        Google gets the premium base of beta testers for all its future products. It is easy to get the choice of 100 and it is not as valuable as the reaction of 10.

·        Services like Android ,Maps are in need of crowd funding to break the earth with record. This might be an initial step.


YouTube Music Key

Those yellow lines which used to come once in every 10 minutes of 2 hours movie can be erased now. An Ad free entertainment is nothing but music Key, or is it the other way round? J

It is Just Started. Let us see till where it goes and wish that the producer get money, may it be agriculturist, or Content sites.

 Google is registered Trademark of Google Inc. The above feature is available just in US at the time this article was published.
