Spam Check : KitKat has beef in it?

From years there is a news, infact a fake one that, KitKat has beef juice as ingredient.
Nestle KitKat India beef ingredients fact check
Kitkat beef Row image courtesy

Well KitKat marketed in India is purely vegetarian. There are no mixture of beef or pork in KitKat. 

Team book review had sent a mail to KitKat India to get more details on Madras case about KitKat for which Chitra Ahuja, spokesperson from Nestle has responded.

Please find response below from KitKat about beef inclusion.

Dear Team Book Review,

Thank you for your e-mail.

We would like to inform you that Nestlé KitKat manufactured in India does not contain animal fat or any non- vegetarian ingredient. All our chocolates are 100 % vegetarian.

You will also observe that the ingredients are listed on the pack. In addition, all vegetarian products carry the ‘green dot’ symbol.

Also, we would like to share with you that there is no such litigation pending pertaining to Kitkat in Tamil Nadu state.

We reassure you that consumer satisfaction is of high importance to us and we spare no efforts to ensure the same.

Assuring you of our best attention at all times.

With Warm Regards,

Chitra Ahuja

NESTLÉ Consumer Engagement Services

Ask us if you would like to cross check any news peddling in social media. 
